Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Taking on a new adventure...

So Kiersten has started rice cereal, so I decided to take on the newest adventure of making her baby food. Yes, I know, you can call me crazy...but... I have tasted that jar food, (thanks to Angela and Lisa, at my baby shower) and its NASTY. Anyhow my friend Jamie makes her own food and gave me a great website... I made Kiersten apples and green beans yesterday... so we now have some frozen food. oh and cut up avocados as well (these are suppose to be great first foods). So that is my new adventure!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kiersten and the Water

She is loving playing in the backyard with the sprinkler this summer. It's fun to watch her learn and grow.  She loves to fill the dog dish then dump it out and of course likes to lay in my sun chair!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

First Cereal Feeding

So to start out I have to tell everyone that at Kiersten's last appointment the doctor said that we could start feeding her rice cereal if we wanted to. I had always heard you should wait until they are 6 months, so I asked if I had to yet. She said, "No, You don't have to, You will know when she is ready for solids...she will stare at your food move from the plate, to the fork, to your mouth. And while she is doing this you will feel like you are starving her because she will look desperate."

Well at first I thought, Oh there is now way.... Well it happened. We were in HSB and sure enough both BBQ's we went to she watched people eat, stared at there food like she was starving and even reached for Kristi's chocolate cake, and Uncle Bills ice tea.

So it evidently was when we got home we started her on rice cereal. Here are the lovely pictures!! A million, and they may all look the same to you...but MOM here couldn't decide which ones to put on the slide show and which ones to you have to sit through them all!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

HSB trip

We went to HSB this last weekend. We had lots of fun. We had a great time going on a 4 wheeler ride and have many BBQ's. And of course the guys had to go out on there motorcycles. But here are some pictures of Kiersten while we were down in Southern Idaho. ENJOY.

Happy First Fathers Day George!