Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Sledding Experience...

  Okay, so although we have had TONS of snow this winter up here... We haven't really taken Kiersten out into it.  She finally went through a growth spurt and now her 12 month snowsuit fits her.  Last night we got a couple new inches of snow, so I decided I would take her out into it.  We dressed all up in our cute pink snow suit and hit the sled.    Here are LOTS of photos from it because I couldn't decide which to put up!!  To a mother each one is different... TO YOU...most will look the same haha.

So she never CRIED...which was good... she smiled just a little, but most of the time was very straight faced.  ENJOY!


sledding 002 sledding 005 sledding 007sledding 010 sledding 011 sledding 012 sledding 013sledding 014 sledding 015 sledding 017 sledding 018 sledding 019 sledding 021 sledding 022

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Talking and walking...

So Kiersten still isn't talking much... she says Dad, and mama (rarely, and i'm still not convinced she knows its us)
Her Favorite words however are "Hi" She picks up the phone and puts it to here ear and in a very sweet high pitched voice says "hiii".

And the other one that I think is cute but can be messy at times.... is she likes to throw things on the floor...anything from her toys to her food....and then says "Uh-Oh"
I want to get mad when she throws her food but then she says that and its adorable haha!! oh the joys of motherhood!!

she still isn't doing much of it... just across the living room... she is getting better but falls often!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Walking...umm.... I mean wobbling

So today Kiersten Started taking her first steps...just between the furniture. By the end of the day she was wobbling across half the living room.
Here is the footage of our little darling's first steps! Can't wait for everyone to see her!


Update on the pickup...

I'm so excited to say they didn't total the pickup!! They are planning on fixing it. The body shop said they would probably have it done in two weeks.
We can't wait to have it back. But I'm going to prevent driving it at all cost!! haha
We are planning a camping trip next month down in lewiston for the archery shoot! Not a real camping trip out in the woods..
but it should be fun anyways!! Hope we have the pickup back for it!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My little Nurse

Just snapped these pics today...  Maybe she will follow in my footsteps!!! :) 

Walking Baby.... well not really hehe

Well She isn't walking on her own yet...but I'm sure it will be soon. She absolutely loves to walk behind her walker toy that our neighbor let us use.  She loves it, and loves to be chased... I can only imagine what its going to be like when she is actually walking on her own. 
Unfortunately all I have is videos of her, so I had to take snips of the video which aren't very good pictures.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Anxious... and going crazy!!!

So we still haven't heard about the pickup. I'm going crazy really. How long can it possably take to tell me if George's pickup is fixable or not!
We did find out that Jerry's body shop... said there was $19,600 damage. So it is right on the edge of being totaled. It all depends on how much they think our pickup is worth...
i however think its worth the 32,000 that we owe on it!!

Everyone keeps asking me why its such a big deal to me... well lets say its either we pay $500.00 and they fix it and we have a pickup...or we pay about 8-10,000 and we won't have a pickup because that is how much more we will owe on it, after the insurance pays what they think it is worth! SO IT IS A HUGE DEAL!

Well hope everyone has a great weekend...
I will be working 2 extra 12 hour shifts this weekend to put a tiny nick in the price of the damage I created!!