Monday, April 5, 2010

The big move happened all in two days…

So the big move i talked about earlier, i didn’t follow up on with a post.  It was suppose to happen in phases… However George went out of town for 5 days and the two days I had off… I made the big move happen.  One morning I disassembled the log bed and moved everything out of the room.  That afternoon I decided i was going to paint, and that night when Kiersten went to bed….the paint brush called my name.  So the fun began, I ended up staying up till 2am painting and then woke up the next morning and finished.  While Kiersten was taking her afternoon nap in mom and dads bed, I moved her whole room into her new room.  It sure didn’t bother her to move into the new room…except when she saw everything all disassembled…she wanted to know “wha happen” and asked if her bed (which was in pieces” was “broke”  Needless to say… it all got removed, painted and moved back in in two days.  So much for the three part phase… Do i ever do anything in phases… i don’t think so, its now or never, I think that should be my motto!


Easter got here very quickly on us.  So I was a bad mother and we didn’t color Eggs this year.  I really had full intentions, even hard boiled the eggs, however I worked the three days before 12 hour shifts and we just didn’t make time. Either way Kiersten got to have an Easter basket, go Easter egg hunting in Coeur d’alene, and visit the Easter bunny!

So Kiersten got two Easter baskets this year, I guess the bunny just loved her to much, or she might be a little spoiled.  Anyhow she got a cars basket and a Sponge Bob basket.  Here they are.100_0700

She loved them from the moment she saw them….100_0701100_0702  100_0703

After we spent the early morning at home with the Easter baskets…we went over to Coeur d’alene for the Lake City Easter Egg hunt.  It was fun, not much “hunting” for eggs involved for the kids but they enjoyed picking them up. Kiersten had a good time running around with one of  her good friends Caden (Bryan and Erin’s little boy).  It was a good time. Very bummed though, It was 36 degrees out for the kiddos and I guess my camera doesn’t like it that cold.  So my nice camera wouldn’t work, I did get a few from my cell phone.  So here they are, not the best but better than nothing!IMG00193-20100403-1013 IMG00189-20100403-1006 IMG00191-20100403-1008 After the egg hunt we went to visit the Easter bunny.  Unfortunately we were early and had to wait for him to show up! Here is Kiersten, Kami, and Cade waiting.100_0705And kiersten with the easter bunny.  She wasn’t sure about sitting on his lap…but she sure didn’t want to leave him.  She did wave and say “goodbye easter bunny” when we left.

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Now that Easter is done…she really loves to take her Spongebob Easter basket for walks.  She holds his hand and puts him real close to the ground to where is feet barely drag on the ground and says “he’s walking”  and then “he wants up” as she picks him up.  That basket…she really does love!  Here is a photo with her spongebob basket…100_0715 100_0710