Wednesday, July 20, 2011

11 Week Appointment with Baby Drake #2 also known as….

Hello everyone,
So here is the update on the Pregnant home front… Just hit 11 weeks today and my nausea is still in full swing.  I’m good if I hold down one meal a day!  Its been bugging me because I haven’t been able to hold down my prenatal vitamins but no need to worry, Doctor said not to worry about them until this nausea goes away.  I had an appointment today and decided that Kiersten could go with me since I know all they do for a while is just listen for the heartbeat.  I went in and they took my vitals, all looked good and then weighed me.  My weight was down 6lb but I kind of expected that with all this nausea. Then we went into the room and the doc came in to find the heartbeat. I wasn’t positive about them finding it because with Kiersten the doctors couldn’t find the heartbeat even at 13 weeks, that’s why we had an ultrasound early with her too.  But this one the doctor found right away.  No I don’t know the heart rate… for those that think they can tell girl/boy by the rate. :)  I personally think this one is a boy… the only thing I really crave is pepsi…and I’m sick all the time. After spending the week with my mother in law camping….and she said she was sick for all 9 months with her boys and LOVED Pepsi.  Coincidence… not sure, I guess we will find out later.  The other reason I think this one is a boy is my dreams… you may laugh but the first dream I had with Kiersten was that I had a Blonde haired blue eyed girl…. and that’s just what we got.  With this one I dreamt that I was having a super chubby dark haired, brown eyed boy!  Will be interesting to find out if this one comes out the same as my dreams.
So I refer to this baby as Baby Drake #2, however Kiersten has came up with a name of her own…. My parents were up visiting a few weeks ago and my mom asked her what the baby’s name was going to be.  Without hesitation Kiersten said, Baby Casen.  I have no idea where she came up with the name and it has stuck… if you call the baby something else she will argue with you about it.  If we do not name it Casen, Which still is under HUGE debate, I’m not sure she will be to happy with us, and I’m pretty sure she will call it Casen anyways!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

4th of July 2011--- Lake Cascade


Every 4th of July we go camping with George’s side of the family.  Its always a fun time, but I have to say this year was much more fun since we couldn’t salmon fish we got to play at lake cascade and the kids got to actually fish!  Kiersten always has a blast with her cousins especially Carson.  They just seem to like to get into trouble together!    The dirt pictures were one of the first nights of 5.  She was so disappointed (not really) when she had to go swimming to clean up!  The highlight of the week was fishing, the kids couldn’t seem to get enough of it and Kiersten caught a fish ALL BY HERSELF, which she was very jazzed about.  She has come along way…just last month she was terrified of the fish when we took her with Grandpa Scott.  This time she actually held it, not something I even do! Yuck!.  We got to fish, swim, play on the boat, and just hang out in the sun for a week.  A well needed vacation!   Thanks everyone for making it such a great time!July 20111July 2011

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Sister in Law might kill me for this one but I thought it was a great dive caught on Camera!July 20115
