Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day 2012–Tensed

Once again we went to Tensed to Bryan and Erin Dever’s property.  This is an annual event for our families and we have the best time.  Its usually our first camping trip of the season and it was no different this year!.  It was also Katelyn’s first camping trip, Unfortunately she was still so young that I don’t have many pictures of her.


Bloomsday and Hunting May 2012

May 6, 2012 was Bloomsday, my first Bloomsday!    It was a great experience and gives me something to focus on for next year… I’m planning on getting faster!  After the race they put your results up online and they stay there forever.  So you can look up your past years.  Thanks mom for inviting me to walk with you!! It was a great time.  While we did Bloomsday…George took Kiersten hunting for the first time, turkey hunting.  She must be goodluck, because they got a turkey the first day out.  George said she did an amazing job hiking up the mountain.  He said the turkey kept going up the mountain and she just wanted to follow it!  Eventually they got one and she describes the hunt wonderfully! He brought the turkey home and we had it in the garage for a while contemplating if we wanted to get her first hunt animal mounted…we decided no.  But for the following day after the hunt, she constantly wanted to go check on the turkey.  Here is a photo of George, Kiersten, and the turkey!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Some People think I’m CrAzY–The Cloth Diapering adventure!

Some People think I'm crazy, and 4 years ago I thought one of my friends was that took on this adventure! (sorry Jamie :) )So with Kiersten the only thing natural I really did was make her baby food!  Yes, and some thought I was crazy then as well. I know for a fact how easy making baby food was!! Once a week I made baby food and froze it.  If we were eating something that I thought Kiersten would like fresh then I just blended it up and fed it to her!  I’ll be doing the same with Katelyn once she gets old enough to start eating. But this time it will be a bit easier because my mom bought me a baby food making kit!  So with that said Cloth Diapering is my new adventure and so far its been very easy.  I chose to use pocket diapers, because of the ease of use and the price.  After all I am doing this to save money most of all!  There are many types of cloth diapers out there…. prefolds, fitted, with covers, Pockets, and All in Ones.  All in ones are the easiest probably, and the most like disposable. Everything is encompassed in the diaper and you just put it on and wash it.  However I didn’t find these to be cost effective…or at least not as cost effective as the pockets.  Pockets are similar to AIO diapers except you have to stuff a soaker insert into them.  Other than that you put it on, take it off, pull the insert out, and wash, then after wash stuff the insert back into it.  Yes cloth diapering will add a couple more loads of laundry a week however I think its worth the money saving.  All my cloth diapers cost me $138.00, I bought a 24 pack for 108.00 and got three other ones for $20, so I have 27 diapers all together! The ones I bought are One size diapers which means they snap smaller and unsnap to make bigger so they will grow with Katelyn and I shouldn’t ever have to buy any more!  Now think of how much a pack of diapers cost… I did just buy a pack of pampers size 1, 128 diapers for 24.95.   (my husband says he refuses to touch the cloth, so i'm still obligated to buy some disposables) Those would last us….aprox 10 days.  So in about a month and half I would have paid and thrown away what I just paid for my cloth!   This alone is what convinced me to try cloth!  And now I’m addicted to its cuteness!!!

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