Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome Diamond

This year Santa sent an Elf to watch over my children for the month before Christmas.  We read the book to Kiersten and you can tell she wasn't sure about this elf thing.  However, she gave her a name... DIAMOND and looked forward to see what kind of adventures Diamond would get into each night!  Every morning she is in a new spot and she is for sure taking notes on if my children are being good or bad for Santa. 
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Game Night

Although life gets busy and we forget to do the little things all the time... I try to get a game night in once in a while for our family.  Its getting funner with Kiersten getting older and being able to do games beyond Chutes and Ladders or CandyLand. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sister Time

Kiersten loves helping with her sister and I finally got a picture of her giving her sister a bath in the sink.  I think this was one of the last sink baths...she is growing up to fast! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bonnalie Family Photos November 2012

Last Christmas we got my parents a gift of a photo session with a local photographer in Orofino.  So this year we finally were able to get down there and have them all taken.  They turned out amazing and I'll be having our families blown up and put on canvases on my wall.  I just love them.  Its a reminder that I need to have them done more often as my girls only stay small for a short period of time!

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