Sunday, December 29, 2013

Off to Grandma's and Grandpa Bonnalie's house we go

We can't go a holiday season without traveling since our family doesn't live near us.  We made a trip to my parents the weekend after Christmas this year.  Don't have many pictures... but Katelyn got an amazing trike, yes its Katelyn's but she likes to just RIDE.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday which ever you prefer.  We had a low key Christmas with just our little family!  Actually, Santa had to make a special trip to our house today since I worked yesterday (Christmas)! Although we are a day late we are having a great day!  Kiersten got a new pink bed from Santa and since this she has decided her and her sister need to share a room...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas cookies at the Blackburn's

We are so fortunate to have some great neighbors and friends! We don't have family up here in North Idaho which can be so hard sometimes, but it's so nice to have experienced like this! Kiersten loves having Hannah as her best friend and neighbor! Someday I'm sure we or them will move from the neighborhood and it will be a very sad day!  Thanks for being amazing neighbors!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Another tooth....GONE

The second tooth is officially out, and I haven't had to pull any yet!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Super cold 5 degrees

I think Digger would be happier outside in the freezing cold than in here! Genus dingos with the kids though!