Friday, June 17, 2011

Another one!!

After almost 3 weeks of not knowing what’s going on with this baby in my belly we decided to tell everyone anyways!  With Kiersten we waited until 12 weeks but with this one I just couldn’t do that.  So,  so far I have had lab work drawn multiple times and everything is rising how it is suppose to.  I have had 2 ultrasounds and am scheduled for a third.  I was told to make an appointment as soon as I found out I was pregnant due to the tubal pregnancy I had last year.  The first ultrasound was 2 weeks ago and they didn’t see anything on it, and then this last week I had another one and they saw a  gestational sac and yolk sac but no heart beat yet. So this next week we go back in on Wednesday and hopefully get to see the heart beat!  Looking forward to that.  At my last ultrasound with what they saw…my due date would be February 8th I think, from my calculations but that hasn’t been confirmed by the doctor yet!   so Next Wednesday we will know more!


  1. I thought I knew what it was! CONGRATS, JOCIE!!! That is so exciting! I hope everything is going well!!!! :)

  2. oh yea!!!! keeping you in my prayers!!
