Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Not Again… Please

So as my previous post, that hasn’t actually been published to the blog yet, you have heard I’m pregnant.  Last year when I went through the Tubal pregnancy, my Nurse Practitioner said the next time I got pregnant I needed to be seen early, So I made an appointment right away!  I went in for my first OB check today…Lots of stuff… saw the N.P. had lab work drawn and the usual history questions regarding my medical history.  Then Katie (nurse practitioner) decided that we should do an ultrasound with the history of tubal pregnancy last year!  I left and came back an hour later to be taken into have the ultrasound done.  The ultrasound tech was very quiet, and I never did see any fetal sack or anything in my uterus, but… I don’t know what I’m looking for either!  However Trudy the tech pointed out with Kiersten when we had our first US where she was and we got to see her little heart fluttering away.  So all in all I had a not so great feeling about the ultrasound! So I went back out into the waiting area and Katie came and got me and brought me into the exam room and informed me of the news!  That they could NOT find an intra-uterine pregnancy.  And that they could see a mass on my left side…. However I’m still thinking happy thoughts!  I had her pull my ultrasound from last year, with my tubal, and on the report they said that I had a mass on the left also. (so there may be a separate issue that we will deal with later)  So they are going to compare the two US this afternoon. I had to have more lab work ran on my blood and she will call me with my blood HCG levels this evening. 

So we have two ways this can go…one I have a totally normal pregnancy and I’m just really EARLY in the process, (which my hcg levels will have to be low for them to determine this) or my levels might come back high to where they should be able to see the pregnancy….at that point they would probably consider this another ectopic (not necessarily in my tube) but if I have any pain at all… I have to be seen!  Kinda scary but at the same time, I feel like this pregnancy is normal just super early and they just can’t see the baby yet! Smile

So I’m going to keep myself busy this afternoon and Katie is going to call me this evening and let me know what my Bhcg levels show and we will go from there.  I also will have labs drawn again on Thursday no matter what the outcome is today!  So I’m thinking only HAPPY THOUGHTS until then!!

6PM UPDATE:  Smile  My hcg levels came back low…so that means I’m just early in my pregnancy.  So the plan is to recheck hcg levels in 2 days to make sure they are doubling.  Then we will talk about doing an ultrasound again for due date and to continue to make sure the baby is in the correct spot!

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