Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today’s appt

Just got back from my doctors appointment. We had our third ultrasound today and the last for a while until we hit 20 weeks or so!  Ultrasound went great… I saw the heart beat clicking away on the screen.  Can’t see anything else on the baby just cause we are so soon.  Was so thankful that I got into see the doctor afterwards because I haven’t been able to keep anything down for 3 days, and had lost 3 lb in the last few days!  He went over my ultrasound results… said we were guessing on a due date within a range. Because lost week the yoke sac and gestational sac size showed me at about  6 weeks 1 day, then this week the embryo measured about 6 weeks 3 days… so he said my due date could be anywhere from February 8 to February 14th, so he would estimate the 12th as my due date…although all of us know the due date I hate getting because when that date comes and goes… you feel miserable!  that’s how I felt with Kiersten!  Anyhow the other great thing is he prescribed me nausea medicine and it has finally worked. I finally Ate my first meal in about 3 days and have kept it down.  Which makes me so happy!  The bad news is he prescribed it for a count of 30 and my insurance will only cover it for 15 tabs so that means I have to use it very sparingly because its not going to last long!!  So I’ll have to only take it when I’m desperate!!
Next appt is July 20th.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better soon! I've never been sick like that...but I hear it sucks and I would believe it! So excited for your new little one!!! :)
