Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My big Girl!!

So she is growing up...

First clue she is growing up...she is getting teeth. two to be exact. I noticed one poking through on the 24th of this month and then the other front bottom tooth i noticed this morning. Doesn't seem like they have affected her much except I'm wondering now if the cold symptoms were all teething symptoms. I guess we will see with the next teething time.
Second clue she is growing up... she can pull herself up in her crib. She has tried many times but today was the first day I saw her actually succeed.

Getting  breathing treatment.
And then crashed out on Daddy

Kiersten standing up.

Bath Time Fun.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More fun...not really!!

So Kiersten has had a cough for a very long time. Almost 3 weeks. I finally broke down and took her to the doctor after she couldn't sleep last night cause she was choking and coughing on a post nasal drip. She also had a fever through the night. We were up almost every hour through out last night...
so we got to the doctor. She didn't have a temp anymore...but her lungs still sounded cruddy for the doctor to hear and she also was coughing a lot and had her runny nose. So the doctor thinks that she may have allergies. Dr Westcott said that most likely she was just getting sick then the smoke in the air over the last week up here caused her allergies to pipe up as well. then on top of that with all the drainage from her nasal area she thinks that caused her to start getting an ear infection... She said it was borderline on treatment but she treated it anyway because she thought Kiersten looked miserable!!
So all in all Kiersten was high maintenance this doctor visit. She got 4 prescriptions:
Antibiotics for her ears,
numbing drops for her ears,
singulair an allergy medication
and albuterol breathing treatments
and a breathing treatment machine!!

Hopefully she will be feeling better soon!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Kiersten doesn't crawl totally yet...but she definitely knows how to get some where if she wants something. She can roll anywhere she wants to go and about a week and half ago she started army crawling. Where she propels herself forward by her elbows. Its pretty cute.

and the other proud milestone...she says MAMA.....
Her first word was Mama... She has been saying it for about a week now. Sometimes after prompting but mostly just when she wants me(ha ha just kidding) She jabbers a lot and says it, and also when she is crying she says it. Her other word that she started saying on Saturday was Dada. But it isn't as consistent just yet....but George is working on it.
But for the record..... First word: Mama.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Kiersten went and got fitted for her glasses...they are ugly...
we will get the official set in 2 weeks!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mark and Kim's Wedding

We had my brothers wedding in August. It was a lot of fun and I hope it was a perfect day for Kim and Mark. Congrats to both of them. I have to say Kim looked amazing in her dresses. (yes I said dresses). I also have to say I was a pretty proud mom... Kiersten looked so precious in her dress and wagon!!!  Here are some photos of us at the wedding.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Disappointing Day ...but it could have been worse!!

Well today we had Kiersten's eye doctor appointment. We saw a pediatric specialist eye doctor up here and she concluded after many different exams, (you would be amazed at all the things they can do with a baby) that Kiersten doesn't focus with her left eye. She said she has a lazy eye and although you can't see it with the naked eye...her left eye looks in towards her right vision field instead of focusing on the object at which she is trying to look at. So her left eye seems to wonder around instead of focusing on the item. therefore she has to get baby glasses. Dr. Marossy said that with the glasses it will help her left eye focus on an item which will strengthen the ocular muscles around the eye (which control the eye ball). She wants to see her again after she has been wearing the glasses for 6 weeks. She also said that by fixing her left eye that with time she should straighten her head tilt out. If things are not fixed by 12 months of age they may look into more serious interventions, surgery being in that list. But she feels that the glasses should fix it....but no guarantees. So we will see with time.
So we have a set of glasses on order. Should be here in about 10 days. But we will be out of town, so we will get them the week that we get back from the wedding. And baby glasses are not cute. they only had 2 pairs for us to choose from... they both were round frame style... plastic type frames with shatter proof lenses. they gave me 4 colors to choose from, a translucent white type color, two different pinks, and blue. But i couldn't see the colors that were available...just new the names of the colors. I did see the clear white color and they were ugly. the girl recommended this pink color that was called something rose. So that is what we got. We will see what they really look like when we get them. Until then... I'm enjoying my baby without glasses!!!