Sunday, August 31, 2014

Deyo Reservoir and a little geocaching

We took a trip up to Deyo Resevoir and along the way we went geo-caching or "Treasure Hunting" as my kids call it.  It was a great time with my mom and dad, brother Mark and Heather and her kids.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Summer is coming to an end...

With only a couple weekends left in the summer or taking advantage of every moment we can on the river! This weekend however was a little bittersweet. We pulled the dock out of the river which signifies Summers coming to an end. The girls are still holding on to every moment in the water and I hope to have many more summers in this water to come in their future!With the summer coming to an end I had to do a little photo session with the girls over by the trees at the end of the property! My hope is that every year I'll be able to take their photos by these trees and we'll see how the two of grown throughout our lifetime! As sentimental as I am, The girls don't let me forget how sassy they are!  I just love their personalities and can't imagine this life without them, they truly bring a whole new sass to our world!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Key To Heaven "RiverBank"

George gave me a key to the land we have grown to love over the last year.  Hopefully we will be able to buy it next year.