Saturday, August 8, 2015

Kiersten's First Concert - Taylor Swift

We had the best time over in Seattle at Taylor Swift concert.  This was Kiersten's first concert  and we had an amazing time.  She got to see the city a little bit and the concert was amazing.  Taylor puts on quite the show.  When we walked in, everyone got bracelets... and whent the show began it began with the bracelets lighting up.  The whole stadium was lit up with the bracelets.  The lights danced along with her music and made patterns as you looked across the stadium.  I was very impressed and it was an amazing concert, especially for it to be Kiersten's first.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Shrek the musical

Shrek the musical came to town and my mom and decided to take the girls to it.  It was a little long for Katelyn so it was a lot of work keeping her in line.  Other than that the musical was awesome!