Monday, June 1, 2009

Slightly Scary News...

So I have to write about this right now becuase I just found out today and i'm slightly scared. So I'm not sure if many of you know, I have had a cough for about two months. I finally broke down and went to the doctor. My doctor, I love to death, and she took my complaint pretty serious. Which i'm thankful for. I can see doctors saying, oh you have had a cough for few months...lets give ya some antibiotics and see if it gets better. However, Dr. Jacobson, started with a chest xray, and lab work. The chest xray appeared normal, and my lab work was normal. She was looking for pneumonia and or tumors in my chest, and to make sure I didn't have a clot that went to my lungs. They were both negative, so with those test being negative. She ordered a pulmonary function test. She said she was looking for allergies or asthma. Well my numbers showed that I have asthma. That I'm fine with...a little medication, and i'll be fine. However it also showed that I have a "possable upper airway obstruction, vocal chord dysfunction abnormality." Who knows what this can can mean a multitude of things from a little vocal chord swelling to something growing in my upper airway/vocal chords. I'm a little nervous about it. When I think about it, I feel like someone is pressing on the front of my vocal chords. (this is probably just me being a hypochondriac) Anyhow....

With these results, it means I have to have more testing done. So my Primary Doctor is referring me to an Ear Nose and Throat doc so he can take a scope down my throat to make sure there isn't something obstructing my airway! Yes, I'm a little nervous about this!! We will see with time. In the mean time i'm trying not to stress about it. Hopefully its just a little inflamation from the pollin in the air!!

Well on a happier note... here is an absolutely adorable picture of kiersten....