Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Update

Baby Drake #2 is doing well, had my follow up appointment today about the ultrasound. She said EVERYTHING ( I didn’t realize they measures so much) on the little one looked great. I maintained my weight this month and babies heart rate was 156. I talked to her about the sinus headaches I’ve been having for the last month and half and she prescribed antibiotics to help get rid of the infection. Hopefully it will work because the headaches are driving me crazy, and I hate having to take Tylenol to battle them.  Baby is moving more and more in my tummy.  The kicks are great, but the rolling around…I’m not so fond of.  Kind of reminds me of my nausea again. :) Speaking of nausea, it has gotten much better, I rarely actually get sick anymore (for the last week and half).  In the evening I still feel a bit sick but nothing like before.  Definitely can tell baby is taking over my belly because I can’t eat much with out feeling overly stuffed.  Well nothing else to report on the baby home front.  Hope everyone is doing well and look for your Gender Reveal Party invite soon.  Party is being planned for October 15th.  Please, get me your addresses so I can get them to my momma.  Drake.jocelyn [at] gmail.com  Looking forward to sharing the news of babies gender with all our close friends and family!!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Baby Drake #2

We had our 20 week Ultrasound on Friday. The baby looked healthy however we have an appointment on Tuesday to tell us the final word that the baby is healthy. Kiersten went and she loved seeing the baby. And thinks she needs to have her own pictures of the baby. Will be printing her out copies of the ultrasound shortly. Until then here are the ultrasound pics!

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Lumberjack Days 2011

Last weekend Kiersten and I went to experience another Lumberjack days in Orofino.  Since she has been born I don’t think we have missed it, and she loves it. The parades, the rides, the animals and this year my mother in law came up and brought her cousin Carson.  Kiersten had the best time with him and I’m so glad they came up to enjoy the fun. 

DSC_0062DSC_0055Fair days

This ride they called “The Slide” it was more like an obstacle course where you climbed up nets and across these hanging bridges and it ended with the slide.  Kiersten loved it, however the bottom photo in this collage you notice she is concentrating very hard….her cousin Carson thought it would be fun to jump on the bridge and scare her. She yelled “stooooppp” at him just after I snapped this photo!


Fair days1

Fair days2



And her winnings!