Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My trouble maker!

Kiersten was super easy.  I've decided that the powers to be give us an easy child to begin with so that we will have more!  Katelyn sure isn't my easy child!! She doesn't sleep like Kiersten and she gets into everything.  This picture... pretty much sums up my trouble maker.  I baby proof something...and it still doesn't stop her!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Katelyn's First Birthday

I can't believe my baby is turning 1.  Seems like just yesterday George and I were talking about wethere we wanted kids or not!!   Everything with Katelyn is bitter sweet because although I enjoy watching her grow and learn... she is my LAST, firsts!  So this is our last First Birthday as parents and its very bitter!  I love my girls to death and can't imagine my life without them. 
So Happy First Birthday Katelyn Laine Drake!

We also got to stay at the hotel in town for her birthday so the girls could play in the pool with Grandma Kate and Grandpa Den.  It was a great time!

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