Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Worst Case Scenario...RULED OUT!!

So the last post that I wrote was a little emotional, so here is the current update! I went to my primary care doctor on tuesday and she sent me directly over to the hospital to have my MRI scan done of my brain. She called me about 5 hours later and informed me that everything looked good on my MRI scan. So worst case scenario, which i didn't mention in my previous blog, of a brain tumor, is ruled out. It really had me terrified, I tried to stay sane for a week, with many tears shed while i was falling asleep at night So i'm happy to have the MRI done and the test results back, to relieve the stress.
So the optic nerve swelling isn't normal, so I'm being referred to a neurologist, to see what else it could be. My primary doctor said it most likely a condition called pseudotumor cerebri, which is a hormone related condition that can cause your body to make to much cerebral spinal fluid. We will see what he says and go from there...either way, its not a brain tumor, so that relieves my mind!

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